Why You Should Keep a Journal

I remember as a little girl, I used to keep a journal. Each page was filled with eraser smudges and poorly-spelled words that told all about my days. “This morning, we went to IHOP for pancakes. I love pancakes… I’m so ready for summer break… Why is my sister so annoying?”

Looking back on those pages now doesn’t make me feel nostalgic, or bring on some teary Hallmark moment where my life suddenly makes sense as I read. But, it does make me so very happy to know that that little girl had a way to express herself.

Over the years, my journaling has definitely ebbed and flowed. If I’m being perfectly honestly, it's done much more ebbing than flowing. And when it flows, I can feel it. Hell, when it ebbs I can feel it, too.

But the flowing. Oh, the flowing of words on paper. Your words on your paper. It’s pure magic. Trust me on this one. 

We all know how beneficial therapists can be, right? Well, imagine having a therapist living in your house, accessible at any moment in your day without any forewarning necessary. And completely free! Not to mention, there is absolutely zero chance of judgement or fear that your words won't be kept confidential. Just unlimited opportunity to release whatever you need to release. To let go of anger, fear, resentment, uncertainties and insecurities, cases of the Mondays… to release anything and everything. Really truly.

And it’s not only good for releasing things. Journaling is also hugely complimentary to help you get your creative juices flowing. Trying to figure out your next step in life? Hoping to discover some new passions or talents? I’m not kidding you when I say your life will open up when you put pen to paper.

That’s the power of journaling.

Did you know there are even scientific studies that show how impactful journaling can be? Reports proving that emotional well-being, mental well-being, and even physical well-being can improve simply by picking up a pen and some paper. How cool is that? Seriously.

So, what do you have to lose? Start small. Sure, you can pick up an intentional notebook and perfect-weighted pen (take my quiz to geek out on what your “ideal” journaling set up could look like!) But, the truth of it is, if you’ve got a piece of printer paper and an old pencil, you can journal just fine.

Commit yourself to five minutes a day. That’s it. Write about absolutely anything that comes to mind. OR, make it even easier on yourself and sign up for Journal Jolts daily journaling prompts. It seriously doesn't get simpler than that.

So, as we come up on a new year, with all our grand intentions for a new us, keep it simple. Give journaling a try. I think you’ll be amazed by the results.


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