Love Thy Self

Whether you're a fan of the holiday or not, it’s impossible to ignore all the pink and red hearts popping up everywhere as Valentine's Day is upon us. I’ll give you a minute to either swoon or puke as I say that word…

…Okay, all good? Good. 

We all know that Valentine’s Day is about LOVE. Showing love for the people in our lives that we adore - whether it's our partners, our kids, our girlfriends (I see you, Galantine!) 

But what about taking a minute to show yourself a little love on February 14? Have you ever done that? 

And I'm not talking about “self care" here - while of course that’s hugely important, we’ll get to that later. I'm talking about looking yourself in the mirror or sitting on the couch and just reflecting on all of the things you currently love about yourself. 

Note the word “current.” This isn’t the time to think about all the things you would change, or the ways you're working to improve and grow. Focus on all the ways you already love yourself, exactly as you are right in this moment. 

This can include internal traits, accomplishments, quirks, physical attributes… there’s no limit to self love. Maybe you think you have the absolute best bellybutton this planet has ever seen. Great. Awesome. Own that.

And so, this week I encourage you to sit down with your journal or even an official Valentine’s card - if you're feeling especially cheesy, and just love on yourself. 

Whether it's a lavish love letter to yourself or simply a bullet pointed list, the intent is the same: what do you love about yourself? And remember, one of the most magical parts about journaling is that nobody else will ever see this if you don't want them to, so there’s zero judgement about what you're writing.

As always, you can use your Journal Jolts prompts as a guide if you need some motivation or inspiration. 

Alright, I’m going to follow my own advice and go buy myself some flowers and chocolates now. 

LOVE ya!


Squeaky Hinges


Discovering Your Lovey